Derived Products
Antarctic Iceberg Locations - Most recent locations
of Antarctic iceberg positions derived from enhanced resolution
QuikSCAT scatterometer images. Supplements the Antarctic
Iceberg Webpage maintained by the U.S.
National Ice Center.
BYU Antarctic Iceberg Database
(1978-present) - Comprehensive database of Antarctic iceberg
positions derived from enhanced resolution scatterometer image time series
spanning from
1978 through the present.
Sea Ice Extent
Products - Extent of Antarctic and Arctic ice sheets
from QuikSCAT (1999-2009) and NSCAT (1995-1996).
QuikSCAT Sigma-0 Browse Products -
Reduced resolution QuikSCAT Browse products are conveniently designed to view the spatial and temporal evolution of Ku-band sigma-0 values (1999-2009). (note: large page loads slowly)
Ice Motion Products - Observations and tracking of sea ice
motion from QuikSCAT data (selected dates).
Sea Ice Age Product - v. 1 - Classified Arctic Sea Ice (Multi-Year or First-Year) from QuikSCAT data, version 1 (2002-2009).
Sea Ice Age Product - v. 2 - Classified Arctic Sea Ice (Multi-Year or First-Year) from QuikSCAT data, version 2 (1999-2009).
Sea Ice Age Product - Classified Arctic Sea Ice (Multi-Year or First-Year) from OSCAT data (2009-2014).
OSCAT Sigma-0 Browse Products -
Reduced resolution OceanSat-2 Scatterometer (OSCAT) Browse products are conveniently designed to view the spatial and temporal evolution of Ku-band sigma-0 values. Images compatible with QuikSCAT sigma-0 Browse products. (2010-2014) (note: large page loads slowly)
ASCAT Sigma-0 Browse Products -
Reduced resolution Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) Browse products are conveniently designed to view the spatial and temporal evolution of C-band sigma-0 values (2007-2016). (note: large page may load slowly)
ASCAT Arctic Sea Ice Age Product - Classified Arctic Sea Ice (Multi-Year or First-Year) from ASCAT data (2009-2014).
ASCAT/TRMM-PR/ECMWF collocated data set - collocation of enhanced resolution ASCAT sigma0, TRMM-PR near-surface rain rates, and ECMWF surface winds (2009).
Wind Products
Ambiguity Removal Quality Assurance - Ambiguity selection quality maps and information on the BYU
QA Algorithm.
Ultra High Resolution Winds - Experimental QuikSCAT/SeaWinds ultra high
resolution (2.5 km) ocean sigma-0 and ocean wind product information and samples.
Tropical Cyclone Wind Observation Database - Conventional resolution (25 km) and
QuikSCAT/SeaWinds ultra high
resolution (2.5 km) ocean sigma-0 and ocean winds for all Tropical Cyclones during the QuikSCAT and SeaWinds missions.
Collocated ASCAT backscatter/TRMM-PR rain/ECMWF winds Database - One year (2005) of collocated enhanced resolution C-band backscatter, Ku-band rain, and ECMWF winds.
Auxilary Data
- Topography data files matching the standard Scatterometer Climate Record
product regions in BYU SIR format.
Land Mask
- High resolution (0.01 deg by 0.01 deg) land/ocean mask.
Greenland Ice Facies
- ASCII text files outlining the Benson (1962) and the Long and Drinkwater (1994) ice facies on Greenland. The latter is derived from 1978 Seasat scatterometer data.
Other Product Sites
Physical Oceanography Distributed Data Archive (PODAAC)
- Long-term archive of Scatterometer Climate Record Pathfinder products
and source of other scatterometer and oceanographic products.
National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
- Long-term archive of polar and cryosphere data products.
NOAA Near Real-Time Products
- Paul Chang's QuikSCAT Near-Real-Time (NRT) wind, backscatter,
and ice products site. NRT and archived NRT versions of many SCP products are available here.
The NASA Scatterometer Climate Record Pathfinder solicts scatterometer-related
data sets to include in the archive and distribute to other researchers. Please
contact us for further information.