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SeaWinds on ADEOS-II (Midori-2) Enhanced Resolution Image Products

(Note: the Japanese ADEOS-II mission was renamed to Midori-2 in mid-2003, though ADEOS-II is used in this site for historical reasons.) SeaWinds on ADEOS-II and SeaWinds on QuikSCAT are identical instruments and have been carefully cross-calibrated. The orbit phasing is such that they observe the same location at different local-times of day, however.

The wide swath and frequent overflights permit generation of a wide variety of SeaWinds Image products. For highest possible spatial resolution, multiple orbit passes are combined. These are the 'all pass' images. Since generally orbit passes of a given point on the Earth occur at nearly the same time of day, time-of-day studies are facilitated by computing images from ascending (morning) passes only, and descending (evening) passes only. For improved temporal resolution in the polar regions, daily local-time-of-day images have been generated.

Images are made both from the SeaWinds on ADEOS-II "egg" backscatter measurements and from the "slice" measurements. Generally, slice measurements yield higher spatial resolution but are noiser than egg measurements. The nominal image pixel resolution for egg images is 4.45 km/pixel while the nominal image pixel resolution for slice images is 2.225 km/pixel.

Further information is available in the QuikSCAT/SeaWinds Enhanced Resolution Image Users Notes.

Available Image Classes
Egg Images
  H Pol V Pol
all passes sweh swev
ascending passes only saeh saev
descending passes only sdeh sdev
morning passes only* smeh smev
mid-day passes only* sneh snev
evening passes only* seeh seev
Slice Images
  H Pol V Pol
all passes swsh swsv
ascending passes only sash sasv
descending passes only sdsh sdsv
morning passes only* smsh smsv
mid-day passes only* snsh snsv
evening passes only* sesh sesv

* Note: Only Ant, Arc, and Grn regions available in these local-time-of-day images

Images are produced in the BYU .SIR file format using the standard naming scheme. The files are gzipped to minimize storage and transfer requirements. The standard images are designed for land and ice observation. Data over the ocean is generally not useful. However the distributed images are not land masked. .SIR format land mask files (containing 0 for ocean and 1 for land) are available for each standard region. .SIR format images containing "images" of the latitude and longitude of each pixel for each region are also available.
Resolution Comparison